“Beyond right and wrong lies a place. That’s where we meet.”

Jalâl-ed-dîn Rumî (1207-1273)
Ueber uns Trainers Experts Imke Wulfmeyer branded scaled

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Imke Wulfmeyer

Certified mediator & head of mediation training at CONSENSUS Campus

  • Lawyer
  • Deputy spokesperson of the Federal Association for Family Mediation (BAFM)
  • Mediator (QVM/ BAFM/ BM) in her own practice with a focus on family mediation
  • Lawyer for Cooperative Practice (CP)
  • Supervisor
  • Systemic couples therapist
  • Trainer for mediation
  • Lecturer for the cross-faculty module Conflict Management at the University of Hohenheim

Mediation focus

  • Family mediation
  • Separation and divorce mediation
  • Couple and ambivalence mediation
  • Inheritance mediation
  • Elder Mediation
  • Mediation in science and research
  • Mediation in clinics and social institutions
  • Mediation in the film industry


  • Certified as a QVM® mediator
  • Licensed mediator (BM) and mediator (BAFM)

Mediation style

  • Systemic mediation according to the integrated five-phase model with elements from the metaphor bridge, transformative mediation and clarification support


  • Wulfmeyer, Imke, Mediation training in times of digital change, Spektrum der Mediation 80/2020, p. 19 ff.
  • Langhirt, Sabine and Wulfmeyer, Imke, Vom Liebes- zum Elternpaar – und wieder zurück?, Das Kommen und Gehen von Kindern als Wendepunkte in der Paarbeziehung, Spektrum der Mediation 87/2022, p 43 ff.
  • Karakasoglu, Yasemin and Wulfmeyer, Imke, Ankommen in einer anderen Kultur, Wie sich Migration auf Beziehungen innerhalb der Familie auswirkt, Spektrum der Mediation 87/2022, p 40 ff.
  • Wulfmeyer, Imke, The art of mediation on the high wire, requirements of family mediation for qualified mediation training, perspektive mediation 4/2022, p. 248 ff
  • Wulfmeyer, Imke, Case histories from family mediation: How did things take a happy turn? In: Kracht, S., Niedostadek, A., Sensburg, P. (eds.), Praxishandbuch Professionelle Mediation, Berlin, Heidelberg 2023
  • Wulfmeyer, Imke, Age as a young area of family mediation – challenges and opportunities in elder mediation, Zeitschrift für Kindschaftsrecht und Jugendhilfe 2023/11, p. 431 f.
  • Wulfmeyer, Imke, Minimally invasive little mouse: On the amendment to the Certified Mediator Training Ordinance, perspektive mediation 1/2024, p. 82 ff